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The Study of Psychological Separation in Western Country
TU Cui-Ping 1,2,XIA Cui-Cui 1,3,FANG Xiao-Yi 1
(1Institute of Developmental Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing100875,China)
(2Counseling Center,Tianjin College of USTB,Tianjin 301811,China)
(3Counseling Center,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
Abstract: In recent years,researchers interested in the influence of family onthe development of children,while foreign family researchers and therapistsbegan pay attention to the study of psychological separation. psychologicalseparation is the process of individual separates from their family and developstheir individuation psychologically. The article focuses on the definition ofpsychological separation,the theoretic background of psychological separation,which consists of Mahler's developmental phases theory and Bowen's systemicfamily theory,measurement of psychological separation,and conclusions ofprevious researches,expatiate the inspiration which psychological separationresearches bring to our national family research and therapy,and prospect theresearch of future. Key words: psychological separation,developmental phasestheory,family therapy theory,measurement.
* 教育部人文社科研究“十五”规划资助项目(01JAXLX011)。通讯作者:方晓义,E-mail: fangxy@bnu.edu.cn