Phil: (laughing)
Leslie: ...and psychoanalysis was sort of much too dark, and sort of pathological in its view, and it didn't appeal to me, the whole unconscious motivation perspective, and it seemed all so dark, so I was reading existentialism and I believed in choice and awareness, so I went to talk with this woman here at York University who all I knew about was that she thought curiosity was important.
Now my going to India was based on the fact that also from an English educational system I thought I 'd have to start all over again - start a BA in year one. I was just completing my masters, and I said I would drop out and come back and re-enter and study psychology; I'd sort of gotten that far. I'd called up a university and they said I'd have to do X number of years and so on to get a psychology degree.
So I came and I knocked on this woman's door, and it was about the 15th of August, and twenty days later I was enrolled in the graduate program at York University.
Leslie: ……而精神分析太只注重人的阴暗,是病理学的观点,整个无意识动机的学说我都不喜欢,太阴暗了,所以我读存在主义的书,相信意识和选择,于是我去约克大学见Laura Rice女士,而我所知道的全部就是她认为好奇心很重要。
Phil: What did she do?
Leslie: Well, actually that was a bit of an exaggeration; I was enrolled in a make-up year for a graduate program and subject to my completing the make-up year I'd go straight into a Ph.D. cuzz I already had a master's. And it was really interesting, because it was a new school that had just started and it was very open and they had a number of professors who had come from Berkeley and a number from the University of Chicago, where Laura Rice had come from. There was a model from some other university, I think it was the University of Illinois, which was actually a very hard-nosed psychology department then; they took people in with masters' from the hard sciences. Somehow there was a combination of factors; the director of graduate studies had come from Illinois, and there were a number of these more radical professors, and they thought, "Oh well," and if I wanted to go into psychology, that would be acceptable. It was driven by the fact that I had very good grades and a very good academic record and so on. So, totally serendipitously, I mean by following the regular channels they had told me that I'd have to do a number of make-up years, and I'd decided that I'd drop out, and I just went and knocked on this woman's door. And somehow within ten days my life was changed.
Leslie: 说来有点夸张;我注册补修一年研究生课程以便之后直接读博士,因为我已经有硕士学位。有趣的是,那是一所新学校,很开放,有许多教授来自 Berkeley,也有来自芝加哥大学,Laura Rice就来自那里。他们用了其他大学的一个模式,我想是Illinois大学,那儿的心理系很讲求实际,接受有理工科硕士学位的学生。这些加起来:研究所的主管来自Illinois,那里还有一些更激进的教授,如果我想进心理系,应该会被接受的。我的学业成绩很好。很意外的,他们通知我要补修几年,那我就决定放弃了。于是我只是去探访Laura Rice女士,不想10天之内我的命运就变了。
Phil: Well, two things intrigued me. One is that you must have gone through a really big decision-making process to conceive of having to start all over again, but to be willing to do that...
Leslie: Yes...
Leslie: 对……
Phil: ...and then on the other hand this thing about choice and actually meeting and talking with Laura - I'm intrigued by what happened in that interaction with her; it seems rather magical.
Phil: ……关于这决定的另一方面是会见Laura女士——你见她时发生了什么,好像很神奇。