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Phil: What got you going in the study of psychology and psychotherapy?

Leslie: Well, it's important to know that I'm an engineer first, and I have a master's degree in engineering. I'm also sort of a political refugee from South Africa.
Leslie: 我最开始是个工程师,有工程硕士学位,我还是从南非过来的政治避难者。

Phil: When?

Leslie: I came in 1968 to Canada, and I came and did a master's degree in engineering, but I came to Canada as kind of an aside, because a professor of mine came to a Canadian university, and so I followed him, to come here for a year, and I intended to go to England or to the States, but I was very politically involved in South Africa in fighting against the government in student politics, which was anti-government politics. I was searching for a way out of engineering; I was much more involved in political things. Then I came here, and it was the middle of the sixties, and I was quite involved in that whole experience, and the sort of drug experience, and my wife was in psychology. She had an undergraduate psychology degree, and she was working as a psychometrist.
Leslie: 我1968年到加拿大,读工程硕士,但我是作为旁听者过来,因为我的一位教授到加拿大大学,我追随他而来,待了一年,我想去英国或美国,但我在南非涉入了政治,在持反政府政见的学生运动中抗争政府。当时想找一条路脱离工程;我在政治上卷入太深了。然后我到了这儿,那是60年代中期,那段经历我很投入,包括某种吸食药品经验;我妻子是心理学背景。她有心理学学士学位,在做心理测试工作。

Phil: Did you meet her in Canada?

Leslie: No. We came married. I got married when I was twenty-two in South Africa. Both of us were sort of involved in political issues there, and then we came here. Basically, as an engineer I had read a lot of existential philosophies; I read Sartre, Camus and so on, and was very involved in those kinds of things. I had a number of friends who were all jazz musicians; I didn't actually play an instrument, and we would tape record these sessions, and write poetry and paint and do all kinds of crazy things. But I was an engineer and these two things were not exactly highly compatible.
Leslie: 不是。我22岁还在南非时结的婚。我们俩在那儿都涉入政治,然后一起来这儿。在做工程师时我就读了很多存在主义哲学的书,我读Sartre, Camus,等等,对此十分着迷。我有一群爵士乐师的朋友,我们一起玩爵士乐;我不是真的奏乐,我们会录下这些场景,写诗、画画、做各种疯狂的事情。不过我是个工程师,跟这些疯狂很不谐调。

Phil: (laughing) No.

Leslie: But I came from a family which had a lot of external stresses. My father had a lot of financial problems, and so I identified as quite an outsider. My father went bankrupt, and the family went through a lot of crisis in that way. But internally my family was relatively functional, or supportive of me anyhow. I was the high-functioning child, but I was very rebellious as a child.
Leslie: 我生长的家庭有很多外部压力。我父亲有许多经济问题,所以我以为我自己属于安静和外来者那一类。父亲破产后家里遭遇了许多危机。不过我家相对说来还是正常运作的, 对我还是很支持的。我是那种高度发挥功能的孩子, 但很反叛。

Phil: How many kids in your family?

Leslie: I had a sister three years older than me. So I was the baby, and I was a very spoiled child as well. And I had a Jewish mother - very food centered, and I've always been overweight. Food was medium of lots of things, but generally, emotional climate was relatively good.
Leslie: 有一个大我3岁的姐姐。我最小,被宠坏了。妈妈是犹太人,极重视食物,我总是超重。在我家里食品是很多事物的调剂,不过总的来说,感情氛围还是相对较好的。


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