?11 EAP. The European Certificate for P?sychotherapy Document. European Association for Psychotherapy, 2006.
12 EAP. Accreditation of Training Institutes for ECP Award: Questionnaire & Procedures. European Association for Psychotherapy, 2007.
13 欧洲格式塔治疗协会(European Association for Gestalt Therapy,EAGT), www.eagt.org.
14 EAGT. Constitution/Statues of the “European Association for Gestalt Therapy”. European Association for Gestalt Therapy, 2006.
15 EAGT. Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. European Association for Gestalt Therapy, 2005.
16 EAGT. The accreditation of Gestalt institutes, NOGT's and Organizations. European Association for Gestalt Therapy, 2005.