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赵静波1, 程文红2, 付深省3, 张 岚4, 王 玲5, 孙丽华6, 周晓琴7, 杨海波8, 季建林9**
中国医学伦理学 22-5

1 南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院,广东 广州 510515;
2 上海交通大学附属上海精神卫生中心, 上海 200030;
3 江门市第三人民医院, 广东 江门 529000;
4 四川大学华西医院心理卫生中心, 四川 成都 610000;
5 光明日报社, 北京 100000;
6 沈阳市行知小学,辽宁 沈阳 110000;
7 合肥市第四人民医院, 安徽 合肥 230000;
8 大庆市第三人民医院, 黑龙江 大庆 166000;
9 复旦大学中山医院, 上海 200032)

1关键词2心理咨询师; 心理治疗师; 双重关系

1中图分类号2R395 1文献标识码2A 1文章编号21001- 8565( 2009) 05- 0037- 04

A M u lt i- Cen ter Survey on Dua l R ela tionships and Assoc ia ted Fa ctors among Ch inese

Counselor s and Psychotherap ists

ZHAO J ing - bo1, CHENGWen - hong2, FU Shen - xing3, et a l

( 1 P sychologica lDepartmen t in School of PublicH ea lth and Tropica lMedicine,SouthernMed ica l University, Gua ngzhou 510515, China;
2 Department of P sycholog ica lMed icine, Zhong sha nH ospita l of F udan University, Shangha i 200032, China;
3 Menta lH ea lth Center of Shangha i J ia otong University, Shangha i 200030, Ch ina )

Abstr ac:t Objective: To explore the dua l re lationsh ips and assoc iated factors among Chinese counse lors andpsychotherapists. Methods: 1000 participants were invest igated by a self- made quest ionna ire composed of eth ica l problems in psychotherapy and counseling. R esu lts: The ma in dual re lationships between counse lors/psychotherapists and clients were the association of friends. Th irty- two percent of part icipants provided counselingor psychotherapy to their friends. To the item of / providing counse ling or psychotherapy for their friends, students,supervisee, employees0, the judges of ethical be liefs of partic ipants were inconsisten,t and forty- one percent ofthem thought that such behaviors were eth ica.l These items were the main assoc iated factors, such as gender, theduration time of professiona l experience, the tit le of a technical pos,t the dif erent experience of train ing,prescript ion, and medic ine. Conclusion: The present state of nonsexual dual relationsh ips between counse lors/psychotherapists and clients are not rare, and the eth ica l beliefs of some participants in dua l relat ionships wereblurring. It is necessary to intensify the professiona l educat ion, un ify the eth ica l code, and accept the help ofpsychotherapy and supervision, in order to improve the current states ofChinese counse lors and psychotherapists.


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