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心理咨询中的“领悟”概念辨析胡姝婧江光荣(华中师范大学心理学院;湖北省人的发展与心理健康重点实验室,武汉430079)心理科学进展2010,Vol 18,No 9,1489–1495AdvancesinPsychologicalScience摘要心理咨询理论和对咨询会谈中重要事件的研究都肯定了领悟在咨询中的重要地位。主流理论取向对领悟的理解并不完全一致,在领悟的概念、领悟的内容、领悟的方式上都存在一些差异,但新联结的建立是公认的领悟的实质。对领悟的分类和




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C. E. Hill (Eds.), Insight in psychotherapy (pp. 31–56). Singer, E. (1970). Key concepts in psychotherapy (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychology Association. New York: Basic Books. Definition of “Insight” in Psychotherapy
HU Shu-Jing; JIANG Guang-Rong
(School of Psychology, HuaZhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)
Abstract: The importance of insight in counseling has been confirmed by counseling theories and research of important events in counseling sessions. Understandings of insight are not consistent among mainstream theoretical orientations. Although diversities exist in the concept of, the content of, and the way to get insight, the establishment of new connection is recognized as the insight per se. Classification and operational definition of insight in empirical research helps to realize more clear and accurate concept of it. There hasn’t been an accurate definition of insight in counseling till now. The current study tentatively defines insight as: formations of new perception of the clients themselves and their world, with assistances of counselors, which are represented as establishment of new connections in their personal meaning systems. Key words: insight; connection; counseling


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