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初稿收件:2002 年9 月1 日
二稿收件:2002 年12 月7 日
審查通過:2003 年1 月7 日
陳金燕Ph.D., University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee(Counseling)
通訊處:(500)彰化市進德路1 號
電話:04-723-2105 轉2117 或1441
Self-awareness in the Counseling Professional:The Self-Awareness Supervision Model
Chin-Yen Chen
Deptartment of Guidance and Counseling &the Community Counseling Center
National Changhua University of Education
The purpose of this paper was to explore and discuss the role ofself-awareness. Through improving one's self-awareness, people are ableto better understand what and how the culture, society and family mayinfluence them. As a result, people will not only understand who they are,but also how they have become who they are. Therefore, the clients wouldbe better prepared to face and deal with their lives and to be themselves.Both counselors and supervisors would have a clearer sense of theirprofessional position as well as their personal resources and limitations,which in turn would improve their professional role and functions incounseling. This paper explored the meaning and functions ofself-awareness in the context of different roles (client, counselor, andsupervisor) and different relationships (counseling and supervisionrelationships). Finally, the Self-Awareness Supervision Model (SASM)was introduced.Keywords:self-awareness, counseling relationship, supervisionrelationship, Self-Awareness Supervision Model (SASM)Page 31Research in Applied Psychology, No. 18, Summer 2003, 105-127