“The concept of subjectivity refers to the way in which the person comes to be known and understood byothers, that in turn affects the way in which we come to think about and understand our 'selves' in thatrelational context. If you like, subjectivity is the social category of personhood, and it is a multiple socialprocess with each person coming to have many different and often fragmented subjectivities. The relationbetween different subjectivities, and the way in which powerful subjectivities may come to be a totalisingdescription of the person, is a complex process. The concept of intersubjectivityrefers to this complexrelational field in which the subject and specificsubjectivities come to be created and shaped, and as Inoted in the last chapter, it is all in a territory that is irredeemably social.”
Anderson, H. & Gehart, D. (2007) Collaborative Therapy: Relationships andConversations that Make a Difference. New York: Routledge.
Anderson, H. (1997) Conversation, Language and Possibilities: A Postmodern Approachto Therapy. New York: Basic Books.
Coming in December 2007: International Journal of Collaborative Practices