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BOWEN THEORY 鲍文家庭治疗理论心理学空间


BOWENTHEORYTheeightconceptspresentedherearenowavailableinprintedform OneFamily’sStory:APrimeronBowenTheoryisavailableinsinglecopiesandatadiscountforbulkpurchases Bowenfamilysystemstheoryisatheoryofhumanbehaviorthatviewsthefamilyasanemotionalunitandusessystemsthinkingtodescribethecomplexinteractionsintheunit Itisthenatureofafamilythatitsmembersareintenselyconnectedemotionally Oftenpeoplefeeldis

Michael and Martha became increasingly critical of Amy, but also latched ontoany signs she might be doing a little better. They gave her her own phone,bought the clothes she "just had to have," and gave her a car for her sixteenthbirthday. Many of these things were done in the name of making Amy feel specialand important, hoping that would motivate her to do better. Throughout all theturmoil surrounding Amy, Marie presented few problems.

[Analysis: The parents' permissiveness isjust as important in perpetuating the problems in Amy as the critical focus onher. As a teenager, Amy is just as critical of her parents as they are of her.Marie is a more mature person than Amy, but she is not free of the familyproblem; for example, she sides with her parents in blaming Amy for the familyturmoil.]

Multigenerational Transmission Process多待传递过程

The concept of the multigenerational transmission process describes how smalldifferences in the levels of differentiation between parents and their offspringlead over many generations to marked differences in differentiation among themembers of a multigenerational family. The information creating thesedifferences is transmitted across generations through relationships. Thetransmission occurs on several interconnected levels ranging from the consciousteaching and learning of information to the automatic and unconsciousprogramming of emotional reactions and behaviors. Relationally and geneticallytransmitted information interact to shape an individual's "self."

The combination of parents actively shaping the development of theiroffspring, offspring innately responding to their parents' moods, attitudes, andactions, and the long dependency period of human offspring results in peopledeveloping levels of differentiation of self similar to their parents' levels.However, the relationship patterns of nuclear family emotional systems oftenresult in at least one member of a sibling group developing a little more "self"and another member developing a little less "self" than the parents.

The next step in the multigenerational transmission process is peoplepredictably selecting mates with levels of differentiation of self that matchtheir own. Therefore, if one sibling's level of "self" is higher and anothersibling's level of "self" is lower than the parents, one sibling's marriage ismore differentiated and the other sibling's marriage is less differentiated thanthe parents' marriage. If each sibling then has a child who is moredifferentiated and a child who is less differentiated than himself, one threegenerational line becomes progressively more differentiated (the mostdifferentiated child of the most differentiated sibling) and one line becomesprogressively less differentiated (the least differentiated child of the leastdifferentiated sibling). As these processes repeat over multiple generations,the differences between family lines grow increasingly marked.



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