EMPLOYER I.D. #: 521136447 (SCHARFF, M.D., P.A.)
Born: January 8, 1941, St. Louis, Missouri
Married: to Jill Savege Scharff, 5 children
Office Address: 6612 Kennedy Drive
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
CURRENT POSITIONS:- Co-Director, International Institute of Object Relations Therapy (IIORT) Chair,
Two-Year Program in Object Relations Theory and Practice:Chair,
Satellite Clinical Application Program;
Faculty IIORT programs in Long Island, Manhattan and Chevy ChaseClinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown Medical SchoolClinical Professor of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services University of the Health SciencesTeaching Analyst, Washington Psychoanalytic InstituteCo-Editor, Library of Object RelationsConsultantin Psychiatry and Family Therapy, Child and Family Services,Washington,D.C., and Jewish Social Services, Rockville, MDFaculty, Department of Psychiatry, National Capital Military Psychiatry Residency Program
Grade School and High School: St. Louis Country Day
School, Graduated, 1958. College: Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1958-1962,
B.A., Magna Cum Laude, June 1962. Medical School: Harvard, 1962-1966,M.D., 1966. Internship in Medicine: Tufts-New England MedicalCenter,
Boston, Massachusetts, June 1966-June 1967. Psychiatric Residency: Massachusetts Mental Health Center,
Boston, Massachusetts, July 1967 - June 1969. Fellowship in Child Psychiatry: Beth Israel Hospital
(Harvard), Boston, Massachusetts, July 1969-June 1970. TeachingFellow: Harvard Medical School, July 1967-June 1970.
(Concurrent with other appointments.) Honorary Senior Registrar: Adolescent Department, Tavistock
Clinic, London, England. July 1972-1973. Adolescent Fellow and Teaching Fellow: Children's Hospital and
George Washington University, Washington, DC, 1973-1974. Training inChild and Adult Psychoanalysis, Washington
Psychoanalytic Institute, 1977-1984.
POSITIONS HELD1969-presentPrivate Practice, part-time or full-time, in Adult and Child Psychiatryand Psychoanalysis, including Psychosexual, Marital, andFamily Psychiatry.
1970- 1972 U.S. Public Health Service Psychiatrist, Rank of "Surgeon",(equivalent of Lieutenant Commander, Navy) Assignment: Faculty of NIMH- Saint Elizabeths Hospital Psychiatric Residency Program:
1970 - 1971 Teaching Child, Community, and Adult Psychiatry.
1971 - 1972 Chairman, First Year PsychiatricResidency and Internship programs.
1972 - 1973 Honorary Senior Registrar, Tavistock Clinic, London, England, in Child, Adolescent, and Community Psychiatry.
1972- 1973 Staff Member, Center for Applied Social Research, TavistockInstitute of Human Relations, London. (Principal Investigator, SchoolLeavingProject).
1973- 1981 Director, Psychotherapy and Sex Therapy Program, Preterm,Washington,D.C. (Psychiatric supervision and teaching, clinical workin Marital andPsychosexual Therapy, Mental Health Education andAdministration).
1973 - 1974 Adolescent Fellow, Hillcrest Children's Center/Children's Hospital,Washington, D.C
1973 - 1974 Staff (part-time) Area B Mental Health Center Youth Services.
1974--1975 Psychiatrist, Hillcrest Children's Center, Washington,D.C.Responsibility for Family and Group Programs, andPsychiatricSupervision of Staff).
1975-1976 Staff Psychiatrist, Alcohol Grant Program, Area A MentalHealth Center, Washington, D.C. (Supervision, teaching, consultation,assessment, andtreatment responsibilities).
1975 - 1981 Academic Staff. Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
1977-present Faculty and Teaching Analyst (1990), Washington Psychoanalytic Institute.
1981- 1987 Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Family Practice,Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md.
1981-presentAssociate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, to Clinical Professor (1990),Georgetown University Medical School