定义:The structure of associated responses which integrates the various ego-states in response to specific stimuli. It provides the individual with an overall perceptual, conceptual, affective and action set, which is used to define the self, other people and the world.一个人整合自己的自我状态以对外界刺激反应的内在结构,它提供一个人整套的觉知、观念、感觉和行动,并以此定义自己、他人和世界
定义:The process of one's distorting his perception of reality to fit his own script.一个人整合自己的自我状态以对外界刺激反应的内在结构,它提 供一个人整套的觉知、观念、感觉和行动,并以此定义自己、他人和世界 。
扭曲的感觉(Racket feeling)
定义:A familiar emotion, learned and encouraged in childhood, experienced in many different stress situations, and maladaptive as an adult means of problem-solving.一个人从小学来,并被加强的常见情绪,特别容易出现于各种压力呈现时,对一个成人解决问题而言并不适当
When I experience a racket feeling, there are two things I can do with it. I can express it there and then. Or I can store it away for use later. When I do the latter, I am said to be saving a stamp.当一个人经历到扭曲感觉时,若当时没有表现出来,却留待以后才表现,则称之为收集点券
定义:在互动中表面传达的讯息内,还隐含其他讯息,对方会对隐含讯 息有反应,在这一系列连续进行的互补隐藏式沟通后,会得到可预期的 结果。此结果至少有一方觉得不舒服或受到伤害。此种行为模式会一再 重覆的发生。